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The Need To GROW
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Finally. A film about environmental solutions!
This is a story of CUTTING-EDGE
SOLUTIONS to climate change.
With the planet on the brink of ecological disaster,
with chronic disease rates skyrocketing, many are wondering...
“What can I do?”
Start by watching The Need To GROW.
An environmental film that gives the world hope.
Change happens when people know the truth.
The Environmental Film The World Has Been Waiting For
“No human being on the planet should miss this film.”
— Society of Voice Arts and Sciences
“Perhaps the best film on sustainability I have ever seen.”
— Teddy Grouya, Founding Director - American Documentary Film Festival
“I loved this was one of those environmental movies that gave me hope.”
— Todd James, Global News
The Need To GROW takes you inside the hearts
and innovations of three very different leaders.
An 8-year-old girl challenges the ethics of a global organization.
A renegade farmer struggles to keep his land as he revolutionizes resource-efficient agriculture.
A visionary inventor faces catastrophe in the midst of developing a game-changing technology.